

十大网赌平台 uses 价值的页面 to disseminate student news, 包括院长名单, 奖项和奖学金, 毕业典礼, 和更多的. 的 大学荣誉页面 showcases the achievements of everyone in the Clark community, but it doesn’t stop there: Every Clark student has their own Merit page, 太.

We encourage students to personalize their pages by adding photos, work and/or volunteer experiences, 体育运动的成就, and student organization memberships. And students can continue to add to this page after they graduate and become Clark alums!

通过使用功勋页, Clark can easily share student successes with their hometown newspapers across the country, high school administrators, 以及民选官员. 此外, the pages make it easy for students — and those close to them — to share their accomplishments on social media.

Students can also ensure family and friends always receive news about their achievements by 添加他们的邮件 存入他们的功绩账户. (Students can add as many people as they like to receive these notifications.)


How can I use my Merit Page — and why would I want to?

Merit showcases student accomplishments and is a quick and powerful way 为你 to show employers the success, 技能, and expertise you’ve acquired at Clark. You may include the link to their Merit Page on your résumés and share it with potential employers or graduate school admissions counselors. You also can connect your Merit Page to social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

How are student 价值的页面 created? Do I need to do anything to use it?

十大网赌平台 creates and updates 价值的页面 for all our students when they enroll. 的 pages get updated regularly — for example, when students receive awards, when the Dean’s list is announced, 及毕业典礼后.

You need to “claim” your Merit Page once it’s created. Click the link in the email you received in their Clark email from Merit or by visiting Clark 大学荣誉页面.


  1. Type your name in the search bar at the bottom.
  2. Select your profile, and beneath your name on the next screen, click “Is this you?”
  3. Enter your 十大网赌平台 email address and submit the form. You should receive a confirmation email from Merit.
  4. “Claim” your Merit Page by signing in with your email and following the prompts. When you claim your page, you can select your privacy settings and permissions.

You can customize your Merit Page anytime by adding a profile photo, 生物, 视频, your cocurricular 活动, and work and volunteer experience.

How will I know when my Merit Page is created or updated?

When your profile is created, you will receive a notification from Merit in your Clark inbox, followed by a welcome email.  You are also notified by email when a new achievement has been added to your Merit Page.

You can click the link to view the achievement, 更新页面, share the link with others, and post it to their other profiles or web网站s.

I already have a LinkedIn profile. 我为什么需要这个?

Unlike a LinkedIn page, 十大网赌平台 can add your major accomplishments to your Merit Page 为你. When you want to share your Merit Page with potential employers or others, it’s already there! Also, your Merit Page achievements are verified by Clark and include our official stamp.

价值的页面 are a terrific complement to LinkedIn — you can even connect your Merit Page to your LinkedIn profile.

隐私呢?? What information do you share about me?

的 information 十大网赌平台 publishes through Merit is considered “directory information” and is addressed under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) “directory information” clause.

目录信息, 比如你的名字, 毕业一年, 活动, and other publicly available facts, is not considered confidential, 根据FERPA.

Your Merit Page was created 为你 by 十大网赌平台 in compliance with our FERPA政策, but you can control your privacy settings, including how people can discover your Merit page.

How to configure your Merit page privacy settings

我不想要这一页. 我可以选择退出吗??

If you’d rather opt out of Merit, reply to the email you received from Merit and ask to be removed — you can always opt back in at a later time. Opting out of Merit not only removes your page from the 价值的页面 网站, but also prevents 十大网赌平台 or any other participating Merit organizations from publishing achievements about you in the future. Privacy settings can be customized at any time.

How can I get more information?

You can find answers to frequently asked questions and/or email Merit support staff by visiting Merit’s 学生帮助页面 or by contacting Clark’s media relations manager, 安吉拉Bazydlo.